Key to northern European Cremastinae

something whent wrong :(
Hymenoptera Ichneumonidae Cremastinae help
Remaining taxa
Remaining taxa


This key covers the northern European Cremastinae genera. It is mainly based on the key in Kolarov (1997). I intend to add support for speciel-level identification for at least some of the genera in the future.


Kolarov, J. (1997). A review of the Cremastinae of the Balkan peninsula, Turkey and Cyprus with zoogeographical notes (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). Beiträge Zur Entomologie 47(1): 169–199

Horstmann, K. (1990). Die westpalaarktischen Arten der Gattung Pristomerus Curtis, 836 (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae). Entomofauna: zeitschrift für entomologie 11(2): 9-44

Vas, Z. (2016) A new species of Temelucha Förster from Malta with an updated and revised identification key to the Western Palaearctic Temelucha species (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Cremastinae). Journal of Hymenoptera Research 48: 67–84

SLU Artdatabanken (2024). Artfakta: Cremastinae. [2024-08-25]

Finlands Artdatacenter (2024). LAJI.FI: Cremastinae. [2024-08-25]