Key to European Eucoilinae

something whent wrong :(
Hymenoptera Cynipoidea Figitidae Eucoilinae help
Remaining taxa
Remaining taxa


Key in early stages of development. Use with care!

This key is almost entirely based on the one provided by Forshage and Nordlander (2008). It was primarily compiled for personal use, meaning that little effort has been spent on making it comprehensible. Unless you have previous experience with identifying Eucoilines I recommend you use the source material instead.


Forshage, M., & Nordlander, G. (2008). Identification key to European genera of Eucoilinae (Hymenoptera, Cynipoidea, Figitidae). Insect Systematics & Evolution, 39(3), 341–359.

SLU Artdatabanken (2024). Artfakta: Eucoilinae. [2024-10-25]

Finlands Artdatacenter (2024). LAJI.FI: Eucoilinae. [2024-10-25]