Key to northern European Hybrizontinae

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Hymenoptera Ichneumonidae Hybrizontinae help
Remaining taxa
Remaining taxa


Achterberg, C. van. (1999). The West Palaearctic species of the subfamily Paxylommatinae (Hymenoptera:Ichneumonidae), with special reference to the genus Hybrizon Fallén.Zool. Med. Leiden 73 (2), 30.iv.1999: 11-26, figs 1-42

Varga, O., van Achterberg, C., Libert, P.-N. 2023. The genus Hybrizon Fallén, 1813(Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae: Hybrizontinae) in the Ukrainian Carpathians, with a key toEuropean species. Annales Zoologici, 73: 649–658.

SLU Artdatabanken (2024). Artfakta: Hybrizontinae. [2024-06-27]

Finlands Artdatacenter (2024). LAJI.FI: Hybrizontinae. [2024-06-27]