something whent wrong :(


Hymenoptera Ichneumonidae Anomaloninae
Trichomma fulvidens


Northern European species and larger genera


Agrypon clandestinum
Agrypon clandestinum, Enslöv
Agrypon flaveolatum
Agrypon flaveolatum, Tönnersjö
Anomalon cruentatum
Anomalon cruentatum, Vessingesjön
Aphanistes bellicosus
Aphanistes bellicosus, Mölnlycke
Aphanistes ruficornis
Aphanistes ruficornis, Enslöv
Barylypa uniguttata
Barylypa uniguttata, Veinge
Erigorgus procerus
Erigorgus procerus, Breared
Heteropelma megarthrum
Heteropelma megarthrum, Mölnlycke
Trichomma fulvidens
Trichomma fulvidens, Mölnlycke


Broad, G. R., Shaw, M. R., & Fitton, M. G. (2018). Handbooks for the identification of British insects Vol. 7, part 12 Ichneumonid wasps : (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae): their classification and biology. Royal Entomological Society of London

Pénigot, W. (2021). Liste et clé d’identification pour les Anomaloninae de la faune de France, avec la description d’une espèce nouvelle du genre Therion (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae). Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, 126 (3): 253-328.

Gauld, I. D., Mitchell, P.A., (1977). Ichneumonidae - Orthopelmatinae & Anomaloninae, Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects, Royal Entomological Society, Vol VII, 2(b)

Townes, H. (1971). The genera of Ichneumonidae, part 4. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, 17: 1-372

SLU Artdatabanken (2024). Artfakta: Anomaloninae. [2024-07-13]

Finlands Artdatacenter (2024). LAJI.FI: Anomaloninae. [2024-07-13]